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In the interests of good public order, safety and security, this legal instrument must be availed to our Police force. The extension has become even more necessary in view of recent developments. The INTERPOL has been warning all its member countries about the urgent need to combat the scourge of organised crime, which is “at risk of spreading at an epidemic level”. Crime syndicates are forming alliances across borders and developing into international groups. The offences spelled out in the Act – drug trafficking, kidnapping, organised crime, unlicensed moneylending and secret society activities – in fact, are among the most common crimes committed by such syndicates.

Our zero tolerance of such criminal activities, and our commitment to eradicating them, have made us one of the safest countries in the world. In fact, as shared by my colleague, Mr Lim Biow Chuan, he had mentioned that we are one of the safest countries in Asia. Last year, the GPI ranked Singapore the sixth safest country globally. Our dedication to public safety has allowed Singaporeans and residents to live in a secure environment and enabled us to attract investors, tourists and event organisers. In fact, some of my residents and friends who visit Singapore, have told me that they feel secure, even when their children wake up early in the morning and wait for the school bus at the bus stop by themselves. This is something that we feel very proud of.

A survey by YouGov, reported in January last year, found that our Government’s performance in the category of law and order was the most highly rated, with 77% giving the assessment of “good” or “excellent”. It is a delicate balance, I agree, to strike between upholding individual rights and enhancing societal safety and security. Our criminal justice system seeks to balance the interests and protection of the individual, with the welfare of the general community.

I am satisfied that the safeguards put in place are sufficient, as mentioned by my fellow Parliamentary colleagues, including the requirement of the public prosecutor’s consent before any DO or PSO is introduced. Detainees are informed of the grounds of their detention and have access to legal counsel. Furthermore, the DO and PSO must also be reviewed by an independent committee. The present system of periodic review by an advisory committee with assessments by professionals has, in fact, been working well.

Sir, as an open economy and an international hub, Singapore must maintain the highest levels of law and order, not just for the protection of our people and our guests, but also as a basic requirement for our nation to survive and thrive in this competitive and increasingly perilous and volatile world. I wholeheartedly support the extension of the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act for another five more years.


