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更新时间: 2024-06-13 10:21:05


陈圣辉 (新加坡贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长、丹戎巴葛集选区议员)













Mr Lee and Mr Yip highlighted co-ops’ struggle to attract and retain talent. Mr Yip asked how Government could help in this area and Mr Lee suggested a secondment programme between co-ops and public and private sector organisations. We will explore Mr Lee’s idea further with SNCF and the co-ops.

Mr Lee also mentioned ongoing initiatives to build the capabilities of co-ops’ COM and staff. These include customised courses unique for the sector. MCCY for example is working with SNCF to introduce a new customised Audit Committee course for credit co-ops in May 2024. This course aims to enhance Audit Committee members’ understanding of their roles and responsibilities, and to sharpen their knowledge of relevant topics like risk management, internal controls, audit and financial reporting.

SNCF has also established the Emerging Leaders Programme in 2022, which aims to groom 100 leaders in five years. SNCF also organises conferences, networking events and sharing sessions to expose co-op officers to best practices and practical solutions adopted by their peers.

On members’ rights, which Mr Raj Joshua Thomas raised relating to efforts to educate co-op members on their rights under the Act, I would like to respond that as member-owned organisations, co-ops are governed by their own by-laws as well as requirements under the Act. But we aim to foster an environment of both accountability and transparency, by ensuring co-ops make sufficient disclosures to members.

One of our proposed amendments is a case in point. While co-ops must already obtain members’ approval for payment of allowance, honoraria and other benefits to the COM, we proposed amending the Act to make this an explicit function of the AGM. This will help ensure that members’ approval is obtained for such benefits. In 2019, the Registrar also notified co-ops about the minimum information they need to disclose in an annual report to inform members about activities of the co-op and make informed decisions. These include, for example, adequate disclosure of its activities and financial performance. Co-ops are also encouraged to disclose more information as they deem fit.

Mr Desmond Choo also asked about the sustainability grant. I seek his indulgence because we just set up the grant on 1 January 2024. We will provide more statistics as the take-up rate becomes steady.

Next, I will move on to Mr Yip’s questions about whether the Government would allow credit co-ops to advertise their loans to create greater awareness of their services. Credit co-ops are generally set up to serve their members who share a pre-existing common bond, such as the same industry, organisation or the same community. Credit risks are mitigated as many credit co-ops have arrangements with their members’ employers for salary deductions for loan repayments to co-ops. As a membership-based organisation, credit co-ops are not regulated to the same degree as other financial institutions. Hence, they are not open to the general public and should not advertise in mass media.

Nonetheless, credit co-ops are not precluded from advertising directly to their members. In the course of the Registry’s engagement with the co-ops and public consultation for the current Bill, we received feedback to review the advertising restriction for credit co-ops. So, we are studying this matter further.

Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to conclude by addressing Mr Liang’s related Parliamentary Question on co-ops. Mr Liang asked if Singapore needs new co-ops to meet the evolving socio-economic landscape and if the roles and social missions of co-ops can be strengthened under Forward Singapore.

In view of our refreshed social compact and renewed sense of social solidarity, co-ops indeed offer an additional platform for Singaporeans to come together and address societal evolving needs. To remain relevant and increase co-ops’ impact, they must continue to build their capabilities and competencies – the point that Members have been raising in this debate. This would strengthen confidence in and enhance recruitment into the sector. Co-op leaders themselves should also ensure they can lead their co-ops in a rapidly evolving environment. They should adopt a growth mindset, participate in professional development and continuous learning courses, and put in place succession planning to ensure their co-ops’ longevity and continued relevance. MCCY will continue to work with our partners, the CCF Committee and SNCF, to support co-ops and co-operators along their journey. Mr Speaker, Sir, I beg to move.


