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新加坡 2023-10-6 (缅甸越南人单)职位汇总
更新时间: 2023-10-07 12:21:48

雇主直招 最新招聘 找工作 企业招聘 出国劳务


职位名:销售主管地区准证: 缅甸/菲律宾,NTS,wp
性别年龄: 男/女
薪水: 1900-2300 新币(人民币:¥10260 至 ¥12420)
吃住: 自理
工作时间: 9:00-18:00
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主是皮革制品修复公司,经营高档皮包销售,售后维修,店面在商场。要求工人具备的技能:修复护理包包、鞋子、沙发,态度要好,有培训快速学习。主要是与顾客沟通,解决顾客疑虑。需要工人耐心,态度好,中文和英文沟通能力强。
做工地址: 阿裕尼站(青线 EW9 Aljunied)

Company Name: Manufacturing

Job title: Sales Supervisor

Regional Pass: Myanmar/Philippines, NTS, wp

Gender Age: Male/female

Salary: 1900-2300 (experience ability)

Food and shelter: self care

Working hours :9.00-18.00 Month off: 4 days

Note: The employer is, leather goods repair company, operating high-end leather bag sales, after-sales maintenance, store in the mall. Skills required for workers: repair care bags, shoes, sofas, good attitude, training to learn quickly. Mainly to communicate with customers and solve customer concerns. Need workers patience, good attitude, Chinese and English communication skills.

Address: Aljunied Station (Green Line EW9 Aljunied)



职位名:电工地区准证: 菲律宾/缅甸,wp
性别年龄: 男,35岁以下
薪水: 2000 新币(人民币:¥10800)
吃住: 自理
工作时间: 8:30-17:30
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主公司是广告公司,要请有安装霓虹灯、DB定时器、电箱接线等经验的电工。要具有团队精神,灵活,做事必需按时赶货,有魄力和动力。接受加班,有些商场的工作需要晚上出厂工作加班,加班有OT。
做工地址: 淡滨尼/巴西立(Tampines 蓝线DT32 /Pasir Ris 绿线EW1)

Company Name: Manufacturing

Job Title: Electrician

Area Pass: Philippines/Myanmar, wp

Gender Age: Male, under 35 years old

Salary: 2000

Food and shelter: self care

Working hours: 8.30-17.30 months off: 4 days

Note: The employer is an advertising company, please have the installation of neon lights, DB timer, electrical box wiring experience electrician. To have a team spirit, flexible, work must be on time to catch up, have courage and motivation. Accept overtime, some shopping malls need to work overtime at night factory work, overtime has OT.

Work Address: Tampines/Basilik (Tampines Blue Line DT32 /Pasir Ris Green Line EW1)


职位名称:文员*1位准证类型: WP中国或者是NTS 印度、缅甸、菲律宾、孟家拉
性别: 男/女
年龄: 35岁以下
薪水: 2200 新币(人民币:¥11880)
工作时间: 10小时(灵活安排)
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主是杂菜饭档口连锁,需要请一位中英文好的文员,要会电脑,人在新加坡优先,福利待遇同步MOM
工作地点: 义顺附近

Employer: Service industry - Catering industry

Job Title: Clerk *1 person

Type of pass: WP China or NTS India, Myanmar, Philippines, Bangladesh

Gender: Male/female

Age: Under 35 years old

Salary :2200 (packaged salary)

Working hours: 10 hours (flexible arrangement)

Monthly off: 4 days

Remarks: The employer is a chain of mixed vegetables and rice stalls, need to ask a good Chinese and English clerk, to know the computer, people in Singapore priority, welfare synchronous MOM

Work place: near Yishun


年龄: 25一35之间
准证类型: 缅甸NTS
职位: 咖啡厅厨房普工帮厨
要求: 要有厨房经验,基本要会切菜和砍肉
薪水: $1300 新币(人民币:¥7020)
吃住: 住补 $300,包吃三餐,每餐吃饭时间30分钟内
工作时间: 早上七点半到晚上八点半(时间看公司安排)
月休: 2天
加班: 基本上每天可以加班一个小时,一个小时$6
备注: 雇主要求脸带笑容,要会中文,不要斤斤计较。做工好后面会有加薪。工作范围包括厨房的一切工作,包括洗菜洗碗。福利待遇同步MOM(一个店三四个人做工)

Employer: Service industry - Catering industry

Age: between 25 and 35

Gender: Male

Type of pass: Myanmar NTS

Position: Cafe kitchen general worker help kitchen, to have kitchen experience, basic to be able to cut vegetables. Cut meat

Salary: $1300

Food and accommodation: 300 packs for three meals, each meal within 30 minutes

Working hours: 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (time depends on the company's arrangement)

Monthly off: 2 days

Overtime: You can work an hour of overtime every day. $6 an hour

Remarks: Employer requirements: smile, to be able to speak Chinese, do not haggle. There will be a pay rise after the workmanship, the scope of work: all the work in the kitchen, including washing dishes, welfare benefits synchronous MOM

(Three or four people work in one shop)


职位:煮面工地区准证: 缅甸WP
性别年龄: 45岁以下
薪水: 1500 新币(人民币:¥8100)
吃住: 包住或者住补 $300
工作时间: 12小时
月休: 2天
加班: 做工地址:义顺
备注: 雇主是一家面店,需要有餐饮经验的缅甸工人,会华语,要会煮面。其他面试具体沟通。

Company name: Service - Food and beverage shop

Position: Noodle cook

Area Pass: Myanmar WP

Gender age: Under 45 years old

Salary: 1500

Food and accommodation: cover or cover 300

Working hours: 12 hours Monthly vacation: 2 days


Work address: Yishun

Note: The employer is a noodle shop, needs Myanmar workers with catering experience, can speak Chinese, can cook noodles, other interviews specific communication


职位:手动车床/铣床操作工地区准证: 印度 孟加拉 缅甸 印度NTS
性别: 男/女
年龄: 50岁以下
底薪: 1200-1300 新币(人民币:¥6480 至 ¥7020)(44小时制薪水)
吃住: 住补 $400
工作时间: 拜1-拜5:8AM-5.30PM,拜6:8AM-12.30PM(超过44小时即为加班)
月休: 6
加班: 1.5/2
备注: 需求手动车床或铣床操作工,加班特别多,只要工人愿意做,参考老员工综合收入2650+,年假病假同人力部,年底根据工人表现发放花红。
地址: 绿线裕群EW29

Company name: Manufacturing - hydraulic equipment factory

Position: Manual lathe/milling machine operator

Regional Pass: India Bangladesh Myanmar India NTS

Gender: Male/female

Age: Under 50 years old

Base salary: 1200-1300 (44 hours)

Food and accommodation: accommodation supplement 400

Working hours: 1-5:8am-5.30pm 6:8AM-12.30PM (more than 44 hours is overtime)

Monthly rest: 6

Overtime: 1.5/2

Note: Manual lathe or milling machine operators are needed, overtime is particularly much, as long as workers are willing to do, refer to the comprehensive income of old employees 2650+, annual leave and sick leave with the Ministry of Manpower, at the end of the year according to the performance of workers to issue bonuses.

Address: Green Line Yuqun EW29


职位名:CNC铣床地区准证: NTS
性别年龄: 男40以下
薪水: 1400 新币(人民币:¥7560)
吃住: 自理
工作时间: 8:00am-5:00pm,拜六8:00am-12:00am
月休: 6天
加班: 10/12
备注: 雇主公司是制造业,要请数控磨床一位。精密测量工具,要有CNC2年以上的工作经验。年假、病假和劳工部规定的一样,综合薪水2000+。
做工地址: 宏茂桥

Company name: Manufacturing - Machinery factory

Job title: CNC milling machine

Regional Pass: NTS

Gender Age: Male under 40

Salary: 1400

Food and shelter: self care

Working hours: 8:00am-5:00pm, worship Saturday 8:00am-12:00am

Monthly vacation: 6 days

Overtime: 10/12

Note: The employer is a manufacturing company, please use a CNC grinder. Precision measuring tools, to CNC2 years of work experience. Annual leave and sick leave are the same as stipulated by the Ministry of Labor, and the combined salary is 2000+

Work address: Ang Mo Kio



职位:NTS/WP 冷库维修工兼普工地区准证: NTS WP印度、孟加拉、缅甸(要会说英语)
年龄: 38岁以下
薪水: 不会说华语 2400 新币(人民币:¥12,960);会说华语 +200 = 2600 新币(人民币:¥14,040)
吃住: 包吃工作餐
工作时间: 12小时 9am-9pm
备注: 主要是生产海鲜,洗切火腿,储存,搬抬,有新加坡3号更好,懂电工知识《一定要会修冷库》,工人需要驾车出去五金店买配件回来维修。需要进出冷库,要保持好工作地点的卫生,肯做工,不计较,身体健康,服从公司安排。
做工地址: Aljunied & Jalan Kelulut 两边跑

(NTS non-traditional quota, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, sent one more)

Employer Company: Service - Seafood supplier

Position: NTS/WP cold storage maintenance worker and general worker

Regional Pass: NTS WP India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (English required)

Gender: Male

Age: Under 38 years old

Salary: Speaks no Mandarin 2400 (speaks Mandarin +200=2600)

Food and accommodation: working meals are included

Working hours: 12 hours 9am-9pm

Monthly rest: None

Note: Mainly the production of seafood, wash and cut ham, storage, lifting, Singapore No. 3 is better, understand the electrician knowledge "must repair cold storage", workers need to drive out to the hardware store to buy accessories to repair. Need to enter and exit the cold storage, to maintain good health of the work place, willing to work, do not care, good health, obey the company's arrangements.

Work address: aljunied & jalan kelulut Run both ways


地区准证: NTS 缅甸 菲律宾
职位: NTS WP-销售
年龄: 38以下
底薪: 1600-1800 新币(人民币:¥8,640 - ¥9,720)
住补: 300 新币(人民币:¥1,620)
工作时间: 拜一至拜六 8:30am-18:00pm
OT: 1.5
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主公司是一家室内设计公司,要有销售经验,主要销售装修类的材料,会在店里或者是外出谈顾客,形象好、英文好,会华语,外出有交通补贴,听从雇主的安排,有加班有抽成,综合薪水在2500-3000+以上。
做工地址: 公司在大士/实龙岗/或者是外出

Company name: Manufacturing - interior design company

Regional Pass: NTS Myanmar Philippines

Position: NTS WP- Sales

Gender: Female

Age: Under 38

Basic salary: 1600-1800

Living allowance: 300

Working hours: Monday to Saturday 8:30am-18:00 pm

OT: 1.5

Monthly off: 4 days

Remarks: The employer company is an interior design company, to have sales experience, mainly sales of decoration materials, will be in the store or out to talk about customers, good image, good English, can speak Chinese, go out with transportation subsidies, listen to the employer's arrangement, there are overtime have a cut, comprehensive salary in 2500-3000+

Work address: The company is in Dusit/Serongang/or is out


职位: 工业机械电工
准证类型: 印度/孟加拉/缅甸 NTS-WP
年龄性别: 30以下 男
底薪: $1500-1600 新币(人民币:¥8,100 - ¥8,640)
住补: $300 新币(人民币:¥1,620)
工作时间: 拜一-拜五 8:30am-6pm,星期六半天 8:30am-1PM
月休: 4-5天
加班: 1.5
备注: 雇主是一家起重机公司,现需要具有ITE证书的电工,主要做行车、龙门吊、电葫芦起重机维修作业,有3-4年相关电工经验,对电机控制路线略懂,能够努力学习的人要求DIPLOMA以上,并且能够进行高空作业,参考老工人综合薪水在2000以上。
做工地址: 裕廊东(Tuas Ave -2 ) 附近

Employer Company: Manufacturing - Crane Company

Position: Industrial machinery electrician

Type of pass: India/Bangladesh/Myanmar NTS-WP

Age Sex: Male under 30

Basic salary: $1500-1600

Living allowance: $300

Working hours: Monday-Friday 8.30am-6pm

Saturday half day 8.30am-1PM

Monthly break: 4-5 days

Overtime: 1.5

Note: The employer is a crane company, and now needs electricians with ITE certificate, mainly engaged in crane, gantry crane, electric hoist crane maintenance operations, with 3-4 years of relevant electrician experience, have a slight understanding of motor control routes, can study hard to require DIPLOMA, and can carry out high-altitude work, reference veteran workers comprehensive salary of more than 2000

Work address: Near Jurong East (Tuas Ave-2)

公司名: 服务业
职位名称: 普工
地区准证: 缅甸/菲律宾/印度/孟加拉 NTS-WP/马来西亚 wp
性别: 男性
年龄: 无要求,有力气就好
薪水: 1800 新币(人民币:¥9,720)
工作时间: 拜一-拜六 11am-11pm(一小时吃饭时间)
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主是一家蔬菜工人,需要请一名搬运、整理蔬菜的员工,要会说华语,如果能认华语更佳,需要搬抬,最重达每箱18kg,参考老员工综合薪水1800。
地址: 巴西班让附近

[Celebrating] must be able to read and write in Chinese, as long as there is strength


Company name: Service industry

Job Title: General worker

Regional Pass: Myanmar/Philippines/India/Bangladesh NTS-WP/ Malaysia wp

Gender: Male

Age: No requirement, strength is good

Salary: 1800

Working hours: 1-6 11am-11pm(1 hour meal time)

Monthly off: 4 days

Note: The employer is a vegetable worker, need to hire a staff handling, sorting vegetables, to speak Chinese, if you can recognize Chinese is better, need to lift, up to 18kg per box, refer to the comprehensive salary of old employees 1800

Address: Near Banjan, Brazil

公司行业: 服务业/制造业
职位: 采购人员
地区准证: 中国WP/缅甸/菲律宾NTS-WP
性别年龄: 男/女 45以下
薪水: $2200 新币(人民币:¥11,880)
工作时间: 拜一到拜五:8:30am-6:00pm
月休: 8天
加班: 1.5倍
备注: 雇主是一家拥有100多员工的劳保公司,现在需要聘请一名中国供应链部门采购人员,工人需熟悉中国采购业务,数学较好,采购平台是全英文,所以需要工人英文流利,参考老员工薪水$2200-2400。
做工地址: 金文泰地铁站附近

Company industry: Service/Manufacturing

Position: Purchasing staff

Regional Pass: China WP/ Myanmar/Philippines NTS-WP

Gender Age: Male/female under 45

Salary: $2200

Working hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30am-6:00pm

Monthly break: 8 days

Overtime: 1.5 times

Note: The employer is a labor insurance company with more than 100 employees, and now needs to hire a procurement staff of the supply chain department in China. The workers need to be familiar with the procurement business in China, good at math, and the procurement platform is all English, so the workers need to be fluent in English, and the salary of old employees is $2200-2400.

Work address: Near Jinwentai subway Station

雇主公司: 服务业—海鲜供应商
职位: NTS/WP 冷库维修工,也需要做食品加工和3号司机
地区准证: NTS WP印度、孟加拉、缅甸
年龄: 38岁以下
薪水: 不会说华语 $2400 新币(人民币:¥12,960),会说华语 $2600 新币(人民币:¥14,040)
吃住: 包吃工作餐
工作时间: 12小时 9am-9pm
备注: 主要是生产海鲜,洗切火腿,储存,搬抬,有新加坡3号驾照优先,懂电工知识,《一定要会修冷库》,工人需要驾车出去五金店买配件回来维修。需要进出冷库,要保持好工作地点的卫生,肯做工,不计较,身体健康,服从公司安排.
做工地址: aljunied & jalan kelulut 两边跑

(NTS non-traditional quota, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, sent one more)

Employer Company: Service - Seafood supplier

Position: NTS/WP cold storage maintenance worker, also needed to do food processing and No. 3 driver

Regional Pass: NTS WP India, Bangladesh, Myanmar

Gender: Male

Age: Under 38 years old

Salary: Speaks no Mandarin 2400 (speaks Mandarin +200=2600)

Food and accommodation: working meals are included

Working hours: 12 hours 9am-9pm

Monthly rest: None

Note: Mainly the production of seafood, wash and cut ham, storage, lifting, there is a Singapore No. 3 driver's license priority, understand electrician knowledge "must repair cold storage", workers need to drive out to the hardware store to buy accessories to repair. Need to enter and exit the cold storage, to maintain good health of the work place, willing to work, do not care, good health, obey the company's arrangements.

Work address: aljunied & jalan kelulut Run both ways

公司名: 服务业-车衣工
职位名称: 车衣工
准证类型: 缅甸孟加拉印度 NTS
性别年龄: 女,45岁以下
薪水: 1500-1600 新币(人民币:¥8,100 - ¥8,640)
住补: 包住
工作时间: 8:00am-7:00pm
月休: 4
加班: 1.5
备注: 雇主公司是女装销售公司。招聘车衣工。有专门的裁剪师傅帮忙裁剪,工人不需要裁剪主要是车衣,工人要做的是专门车衣,要会车整件衣服,不需要裁剪。
地点: 勿洛

Company name: Service - Car clothing

Job Title: Car dresser

Type of pass: Myanmar Bangladesh India nts

Gender Age: Female, under 45 years old

Salary: 1500-1600

Cover up: cover up

Working hours: 8:00am-7:00pm Month off: 4

Overtime: 1.5

Remarks: The employer's company is a women's clothing sales company. Need a car dresser. There is a special cutting master to help cut, workers do not need to cut mainly car clothes, workers to do is a special car clothes, to meet the whole car clothes, do not need to cut.

Location: Belok

职位: 服务员
雇主公司: 服务业-餐厅
地区准证: 缅甸 菲律宾(NTS)WP
年龄: 45岁以内
薪水: 1700 新币(人民币:¥9,180)
吃住: 住补300(包吃)
工作时间: 10am-10pm
月休: 4
要求: 雇主是西餐厅,环境好有冷气。要求有一定西餐经验,能看懂英文菜单,福利同人力部。
地点: 巴西班让地铁站附近

Position: Waiter

Employer Company: Service - Restaurant

Regional Pass: Myanmar Philippines (NTS)WP

Gender: Female

Age: Under 45 years old

Salary: 1700

Food and Accommodation: Accommodation supplement 300 (package)

Working hours: 10am-10pm

Monthly rest: 4

Requirements: The employer is a western restaurant, the environment is good with air conditioning. Required to have some experience in Western food, can read English menu, welfare and human resources department.

Location: Near Basibanrang Metro Station


公司名: 服务业-海鲜餐厅
职位: 楼面服务员和帮厨各一位
地区准证: 缅甸 NTS
性别年龄: 男/女 45岁以下
薪水: 1500-1800 新币(人民币:¥8,100 - ¥9,720)
住补: 200 新币(人民币:¥1,080)
工作时间: 11:00am-23:00pm
月休: 4天
备注: 雇主做中餐海鲜餐馆的,有室内和室外,包吃工作餐,拜一到拜五下午有2个小时的休息时间。帮厨需要会切、配菜和处理螃蟹(可以学);楼面服务员,看单子上菜,打扫卫生等,假期补休。要会讲会看华文。试用期后有年病假。
做工地址: NE17 榜鹅附近

Company name: Service - Seafood Restaurant

Position: One floor attendant and one kitchen helper

Regional Pass: Myanmar NTS

Gender Age: Male/female under 45 years old

Salary: 1500-1800

Living allowance: 200

Working hours: 11:00am-23:00pm

Monthly off: 4 days

Note: The employer does Chinese seafood restaurant, indoor and outdoor, inclusive work meals, worship from one to Friday afternoon has a 2 hour break. Cooks need to be able to cut, prepare and handle crabs (can learn); Floor attendant, see the list of dishes, cleaning, etc., vacation. Be able to speak and read Chinese. Annual sick leave after probation.

Working address: near NE17 Punggol


